On Saturday, October 15, 2016, Sheffield Place held their annual Off the Wall event at the National Airline History Museum. Skyler Phelps, Off the Wall committee chair and member of the Sheffield Place Board of Directors, and several other Mantel Teter staff gathered together to support the mission of Sheffield Place. That evening a record amount - $204,510 – was raised for the mission of healing and self-sufficiency for homeless children and their families! The generosity from the evening is now providing housing, therapy and case management, and the life skills the Sheffield Place families need to move from despair to hope and from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Below are a few photos from the night.
Skyler Phelps, David Evans, Brad Athey, Emmalee Schaumburg & Brian Rathsam
Jess Stark, Emmalee Schaumburg, Skyler Phelps, David Evans. Gretchen Evans & Ted Cox